- (033) 329-1647/329-4734
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Formation program
Here in SVFS, we share the same life, answer the same call, trek the same path, and are loved by the same God. We live a united life: we eat as one, pray as one, study as one, perform as one, play as one, and pray as one. We journey together in the pursuit of excellence on various fields such as sports, the literary and musical arts, and other pursuits of human interests. Because of this, we develop deep friendship and fraternal charity for one another.
“Bobo!”- we typically ascribe this word to someone who has done something deeply illogical: like your pabuhat teammate on Mobile Legends or like that girl who keeps running after her ex, when there’s already you who are clearly better looking, smarter, and nicer than him.
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St. Vincent Ferrer Seminary gives a whole new meaning to the word “Bobo”. Tired of long, winded lectures? Feel like studying is a waste of time? Inside our classrooms, you are not an individual competing for the highest grades or for that handsome gold medal, you are a brother, a friend. You are B.O.B.O- you bring out the best in others.
Accompaniment, mentoring, and peer formation are among the key elements that make St. Vincent Ferrer Seminary’s Academic formation unique. Together, we journey as one community, one brotherhood, one family, mastering the sciences, mathematics, and the philosophical discipline in our quest to sharpen our Reason, deepen our Faith, and understand the Truth. Together, we study not for school but for life!
Familiaritas cum Deo: The experience of being in friendship with The Lord.
Faith being cultivated and nourished by Daily prayer and the Eucharist, which forms the heart to grow to be in love with the Lord.
A heart that is willing to do everything it takes just to love, a heart that is formed to be faithfully in love with the Lord, a heart that beats the words: “Totus tuus!” (“Totally yours!”). A heart made to love the Lord and his people.
And just like the heart, The Spiritual Life is the center of formation.
To be committed and competent to serve Gods people. To form seminarians to become MEN-FOR-OTHERS with a deep commitment to and competence for Pastoral Leadership and Service, especially of the Poor. To build up the Church of Jaro in the mission of fostering Christian unity in servitude.
St. Vincent Ferrer Seminary forms young men to become capable of being in service with others. They are taught to give their hearts for all those who need it. Here, they are formed to treat others and give them back the love they receive, to be in service, one must first know how to love. In a word, to be an apostle whose essence is to love and serve others.
St. Vincent Ferrer Seminary is an institution that magnifies the essential formation for a man to be formed in virtue, in human excellence, and to be modelled in Christ’s example of authentic humanity. Correspondingly, they are pitted to be molded in a personality that bridges fraternal relationship with fellow brothers and encounters Jesus with the support of spiritual direction with the priest formators. Moreover, to be equipped in seldom interactions with parents that exposes an individual to live independently in the adolescence age to the chosen discernment to the priesthood, and be disciplined in formation with the significant facilitation of Parent’s Formation and Spiritual Formation.
SVFS envision priests of the 21st century as servant leaders of the community, integrated young men armed with virtues and values with Christ as their center and apostolic proclaimers of the gospel and contemplative pastors for the community.